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Disqus ‘Like Feature’ extended to the individual Posts

Disqus commenting system is popular with its simplicity and ease. Disqus comments already had the facebook-like ‘Like’ feature for the individual comments. Now this ‘Like‘ feature is also available for the individual posts. I hope this is a good feature for those readers who are busy or lazy to comment. ;)

Another great feature along with this is that on ‘liking’ the article, readers are also asked if they want to share it on Twitter or Facebook or both. The new like-button resembles that of facebook like button though different in appearance and color. Take a look at the screenshot:[]


disqus comments like button screenshot

There is also an option for the admin to disable this feature through Disqus Settings as shown below:
disqus disable like button option

Getting comments is like getting feedback and opinions from the readers. It gives satisfaction and inspiration to bloggers to go on. Bloggers like me would be very happy even if the readers ‘like’ our posts without commenting and it doubles if they share it to their friends. :)

Enjoy ‘Liking’!