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Half ownership of Facebook

Paul Ceglia has fabricated his supporting documents in the claim to half ownership of Facebook — attorneys for the social network have told the court that they found “smoking gun” evidence of fraud upon examining his computers.

Facebook’s legal team said this in a federal court filing last night, based on forensic tests of Paul Ceglia’s computers, hard drives, electronic storage media, email and a paper version of the contract.
The court filing included the following, according to Bloomberg:
Embedded in the electronic data on Ceglia’s computer… Defendants have uncovered smoking-gun evidence that the purported contract at the heart of this case is a fabrication…
We’ve asked for copies of the “smoking gun” material and will update this post with embeds as soon as we can.
Whatever this evidence is, its existence is hardly a surprise. Ceglia has a history of forgery, and already four different law firms have dropped him as a client after examining his documentation.
Readers, what do you think about the latest chapter in Ceglia’s case?