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Few days back Blogger Team announced the the upcoming new look for blogspot blogs called as Dynamic Views, an interactive layout built with the latest in web technologies – AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3. Loading 40 percent faster than traditional blogger templates, Dynamic Views got rid off ‘Older posts’ link (finally) which most of the bloggers disliked. Other features include integrated search, sorting by date, label and author, lightbox-style posts for easy viewing, keyboard shortcuts for quickly flipping through posts, and one-click sharing to Google+ and other social sites on every post!

Different views available under ‘Dynamic Views’ :

  • Classic - A modern twist on a traditional template, with infinite scrolling and images that load as you go
  • Flipcard – Your photos are tiled across the page and flip to reveal the post title
  • Magazine – A clean, elegant editorial style layout
  • Mosaic – A mosaic mix of different sized images and text
  • Sidebar – An email inbox-like view with a reading page for quick scrolling and browsing
  • Snapshot – An interactive pinboard of your posts
  • Timeslide – A horizontal view of your posts by time period

Dynamic Views Screen shots :

Video – Blogger Dynamic Views :

Blogger has introduced its new UI (User Interface) where among other changes, those familiar tabs below the Blog Title (see screen shot below):

has been replaced by a drop-down menu at the right end of the list of blogs just before the VIEW BLOG tab. See screen shot below:

With the passage of time new techniques are emerging in blogging industry for blogs promotion. One of the latest trend that is rapidly increasing in blogging industry is “Guest Posting” on relevant blogs. It provides various benefits like link popularity, long term traffic, new readers, subscribers and exposure to the blogging industry using different blogs. Some of these are discussed below.

1. It cares about Quality
Guest posting is all about quality, because the guest poster want to deliver informative information to the readers of the blog where he or she is posting the article. In this way guest poster always want to add quality in the article so that more and more readers can read his article and promote it using social media websites.

2. Long Term Benefits
As compare to other promotional techniques guest blogging provides long term benefits. For example your link at a Link Directory can be deleted at any time, Link submitted to social media will not remain forever in the website, Link exchanged with a blogger can be deleted any time. But links in guest posts will always be there, because you got the link in return of your contribution in shape of your quality article.

3. Building Relationship
It enables you to build a chain of friends in blogging industry. In blogging networking is very important, because network  helps in publicity of your blog. Publicity includes pingbacks, reviews and quotes.
It is the fact that guest posting plays an important part in blog promotion. Spending a few minutes in writing a quality post will help you in achieving a lot of benefits.

Disqus commenting system is popular with its simplicity and ease. Disqus comments already had the facebook-like ‘Like’ feature for the individual comments. Now this ‘Like‘ feature is also available for the individual posts. I hope this is a good feature for those readers who are busy or lazy to comment. ;)

Another great feature along with this is that on ‘liking’ the article, readers are also asked if they want to share it on Twitter or Facebook or both. The new like-button resembles that of facebook like button though different in appearance and color. Take a look at the screenshot:[]


disqus comments like button screenshot

There is also an option for the admin to disable this feature through Disqus Settings as shown below:
disqus disable like button option

Getting comments is like getting feedback and opinions from the readers. It gives satisfaction and inspiration to bloggers to go on. Bloggers like me would be very happy even if the readers ‘like’ our posts without commenting and it doubles if they share it to their friends. :)

Enjoy ‘Liking’!

Many of you might have experienced unwanted comments (aka spam) comments on your blogs. Most of times these comments are linked to some other sites which might include porn sites as well. Sometimes such comments also contain hatred and use of offensive language against someone which could really upset your visitors. Fortunately, Blogger offers a powerful way to control and block spam or unwanted comments on your blog. Our goal is to block the bad guys, but at the same time, we must make sure that regular visitors don't get annoyed by our settings.

I Receive Comments in Strange Japanese, Asian or Chinese Characters!

Most commonly, you'll see comments in strange characters rather than English or some other known language. People often complain about getting comments in Chinese or Japanese languages which contain massive links to phishing or maybe porn sites. So, you really need to stop them.

The Solution: Block Such Comments with Comments Settings!

To change comments settings, log in to Blogger and go to Settings and then Comments. This section is all about comments and I'll explain the important settings one by one.

Who Can Comment?

You have to chose which kind of people can comment on your blog. If you have a public blog, make sure you chose the 1st option Anyone - includes Anonymous Users. It will allow anyone to comment on your blog.

Comment Form Placement

If you've post pages enabled then chose Embedded below post which is the most popular option. your comment form will appear at the bottom of post. However, if your blog doesn't allow post pages then chose any other option.

Comment Form Message

This is very useful but normally underrated option. Add some text in this box and then that text will appear right above your comment form on your blog. If the comments on your blog appear only after your manual approval, then you can simply use a message like "Don't worry! Comments will appear shortly."

Comment moderation

Here comes the vital option. Chose Always from the options. This way, all the comments on your blog will be visible only after your approval. Whenever someone will comment (except blog author), a message will be displayed on the dashboard and from there you can approve or reject the comments. Blogger has explained the option in detail here.

Show word verification for comments?

This option will prompt the visitor to write a word from an image before posting a comment. I'd recommend to chose No for this option because it is really annoying. If you're getting far too many spam comments, only then turn it on.

Show profile images on comments?

This is a new addition and lets you display the profile images with comments. I've disabled it for my blog because each profile image means more time to load the page.

Final Words

I've tried to explain the important options regarding comments. A blog is popular only if it gets a lot of comments so make sure you work hard to get people interact. If you've any more questions, feel free to comment, thanks.

It happens to everyone: you lose power or your internet or your computer crashes, and so you can’t get online to work on your blog. This is bad news, especially if money is at stake, because if you can’t be online, you can’t tend to the health of your blog. Even a small pause in your updating can cause your traffic to dip. Lack of new content can hurt your blog’s standing in the community. Here are five things you can do to protect yourself during blogging emergencies so your blog stays healthy.
  1. Schedule Posts Every Day

    At least have one main post scheduled to be published during the heaviest traffic times each day. That way you can make sure that your readers will have a chunk of new content to work with, so even if you can’t personally publish it, it’ll still come up in their feeds or when they visit the site. Then, once you get your internet back, you can handle the comments section later. Prepare these posts in advance each week.
  2. Keep a Writer’s Notebook

    Keep a little writer’s notebook, like a Moleskine, in which you can jot down any ideas that come to you when you’re away from the computer. Later you can take these ideas and turn them into posts to publish on your blog. Unlike an electronic device, a notebook will never run out of memory or have its hard drive crash. It’s one great way to back up your files. Of course, you shouldn’t lose it!
  3. Vlog Your Thoughts

    Create a video blog of new content that you can upload either from a mobile device or later on your computer. These can add variety to your content, especially since they’ll show you in a new light, which will add to the text content of your blog. For example, vlogging about ‘the real world’ can give your readers some context to understand your other posts.
  4. Tweet a Question

    By using your phone to send messages, you can also Tweet if you can’t get to your computer. If you have a widget installed on your blog that shows your latest Tweets, then you have a way to communicate with your readers despite your technical difficulties. Use your Tweets to ask questions of your readers when you’re away from your computer, so you can get some inspiration to start a new blog post right when you get back.
  5. Relax and Enjoy the Day Off

    If all else fails, then there’s no use worrying about something you cannot control. After all, the electricity will eventually come back on, your internet service will go full power again, and you’ll be able to rejoin the blogging community. Maybe an unscheduled day off is just what you need to refresh your creative abilities. Go outside and enjoy yourself.

It wasn’t until very recently that a good friend asked me this question – Do you have to be a good writer to be a successful blogger? He knows I’m a writer by profession and he wondered why I did not have my own personal blog. The general assumption was that if you’re able to write well, you must have an online showcase through which you can reach out to let more people know of your ability. However, I don’t subscribe to this theory – I believe that a blog is something personal and that you don’t really have to have one unless you really want to make parts of your life public knowledge.

Coming back to the initial question, is the reverse true? If you do own a blog, how good a writer do you have to be to make a success of it? From what I’ve seen so far, it’s not really great writing that makes a blog a success. Rather, going by Internet standards, if you own a blog and want it to succeed, you need to:
  • Provide quality information
  • Update it regularly
  • Respond to reader comments
  • Incorporate feedback to make your site better
  • Adopt SEO techniques
  • Ensure that your blog is visible all over the web
So you see, good writing does not even feature on the list. You must know how to market your blog more than focusing on excellent writing if you want to achieve a large number of hits and make your site popular. However, there are times when the ability to write does come in handy when you’re a blog owner, and they are:
  • When your site is focused mostly on providing information – you don’t want to own a blog with typos and spelling and grammatical errors.
  • When your blog is basically an advertisement to market your writing skills.
  • When you want to project a more formal look for your site; it pays to get someone to check what you’ve written before you put it up in such cases.
  • When your site has become popular and you need to sustain reader interest – good writing becomes the differentiating factor that helps you stay ahead of the competition.
In general, once you decide to start a blog, it’s best to brush up on your writing skills. It’s not just enough to provide information and be entertaining; when you know how best to serve the information through good writing, that’s when you add that extra edge to your success quotient.

Every blogger want to improve its blog traffic and attract new visitors. However some blogger may found it very difficult because they don’t know that where to start and how to start. Although it is very easy, but the problem is that don’t put there ideas into actions. Thinking always about traffic is not going to improve your traffic, but doing some thing right towards increasing your traffic is what you need to do. For example if you always think that how to improve my Page Rank and don’t create any back link, then how it is possible to improve your blog PR. Similarly if you really want to improve your blog traffic, then you will have to show some action.

There are lots of ways you can follow to increase your traffic, but the only thing is consistency. Make sure to follow at least a few daily. If you will just follow a way for today and that’s it then traffic is not going to increase. Below are some of popular ways through which you can really increase your blog traffic.

Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

  1. Comment Posting- The most important and Working method.
  2. Guest Blogging – Believe me it can give you a lot of traffic.
  3. Dofollow Forums – It will not only increase your traffic but also PR.
  4. HubPages – Try this and you see the difference.
  5. Article Marketing – Ask from any Affiliate Marketer and he will tell you that article marketing is the best way to increase traffic.
  6. Squidoo Lens- Links from Squidoo are great and so the traffic.
  7. Email Marketing – Try this and you will see the difference.
  8. Facebook Fan Page – I wish i could create mine a bit earlier.
  9. Twitter- I personally got 2000 visits a day from twitter, so don’t ignore it.
  10. Youtube- Video Marketing is now very useful. It will boost your traffic.
  11. World Of Mouth- It works and really really works.
  12. Internal Linking- It not only increase your Page Preview but also ranking.
  13. Voting Communities – Like Blogengage, FaqPal and Bloggerden can also give you extra traffic.
  14. Link Your Blog to Your Social Profiles – The power of social website is much more then what you think. Add your link in your profile to get extra traffic.
  15. Business Cards – No matter if your blog is small, still you can create one and promote your blog through it.
  16. Round UP – New one but a working technique. You can also link other bloggers article in your blog. In this way your blog will get attention from those bloggers.
  17. Press Release – Do press release for your posts and attract more visitors.
  18. Directories – Although it is a old technique but still effective.
  19. Free Ebooks – If you can write a ebook, then write now because it can help in increasing your blog traffic.
  20. Participate in Events – There are blogging events and webinar where you can participate and show your presence.
  21. Offer Giveaways – It will help in making regular visitors.
  22. RSS FEED – Offer Rss Feed to your readers so that they can read your recent posts.
  23. SEO – Concentrate on this, because it is the only method that can stabilize your traffic.
  24. Host Contests – Host some contests on your blog.
  25. Advertise Every Where – On Google Adwords, Infolinks, News Papers, and Even on TV.
If you are still thinking that you can’t improve your traffic then you are wrong. You have 25 ways available to increase your traffic. Just start with the one you can start now and do it regularly. Consistency is very important, because result never comes in days and weeks. It takes months and even years so don’t be stagnant.

The vast majority of blog promotion advice is, understandably enough, based on Internet marketing strategies. However, I think it’s just as important to promote your blog in the offline world. Your readers are, after all, people, and although we may spend a large part of our time online, it’s refreshing to tell others about your blog project(s) the old-fashioned way in person. Here are a few tips for getting the word out there about your blog offline.

Organize a meet-up

There’s nothing more fulfilling than meeting your readers face-to-face. If you have many readers who live in your area, put up an announcement on your blog to meet and discuss your niche. It’s a great way to meet other bloggers and potential readers. is one way to organize a local get-together beyond the parameters of your blog.

Write for a local newspaper or magazine

Although many people are announcing the veritable death of physical publications, the fact of the matter is that “dead tree” media is still widely used. Writing an article for a local paper or magazine gives you an opportunity to reach out to a completely different set of readers.

Tell your close circle of family and friends

This may seem like a tip that’s too obvious to even write about. But I know tons of bloggers who, for whatever reason, blog in secret. I suppose it’s out of some sort of embarrassment, but the people you know well are often the ones who will be your most ardent supporters and promoters. You’d be surprised by how fast your readership can spread simply by word-of-mouth.

Make business cards

Business cards may seem old fashioned, but there’s a reason they still exist they work. Several times a week, going about our business, we have chance encounters with strangers or we make new acquaintances while engaged in various activities. Having business cards with your blog information on you at all times gives you an opportunity to spread the word about your blog when such encounters occur. While telling new acquaintances about your blog is great, giving them a business card means they’ll remember it later.
These are only a few easy ways you can reach out to more readers offline. Above all, remember that promoting your blog doesn’t have to be a 100% online endeavor. Every second of every day presents a new opportunity to engage a wider audience.

The layout of a website serves two purposes. The layout should provide a pleasant experience for the reader and it should direct readers towards specific actions. A well designed layout makes the reader comfortable. Very comfortable. So comfortable that they do not realize you are directing them towards a specific action.
Most websites have the same basic layout. A header, a navigation bar, body and footer. There are countless ways to skin a cat (slice down the center and peel back, burn with blow torch, drop into bucket of acid) but variations in this basic website layout are limited.

One aspect of the layout you can fiddle with is the location of the main navigation bar.
As the name suggests, the function of the main navigation bar is to allow readers access to the main sections of your website. With the main navigation bar the reader can jump to your about page, the contact page, archives or products page. It gets a lot of attention from your readers so it is important that you think hard about where you place it.

You can decide to place the navigation bar either at the very top of the page or in between the banner and the body.

Reasons to put Main Navigation Bar Between the Body and the Header

Some websites has the navigation bar between the banner and the body. This has many benefits:
  1. Readers do not need to scroll all the way to the top of the page to go to another section on the website. It seems like a small point, but for a lot of people flicking the finger to roll the mouse wheel is considered work.
  2. The navigation bar gets more eye time. If your navigation bar is at the very top of the page then even a single increment of the mouse wheel hides the navigation bar. A navigation bar under the banner gives the reader more opportunity to jump to another page even if they are half way down a post.
  3. A navigation bar serves as a perfect divider between sections. Header, navigation bar, body is classic website design. It feels natural, has been around for ages and offends nobody.

A Reason to Put Your Navigation Bar at the Top of the Page

Some websites have the navigation bar under the banner which has the advantages mentioned above. But there are popular websites that have the navigation bar at the very top of the page.
Why would you want to put the navigation bar at the very top of the page?
The answer has to do with advertising and eyeball movements.
If your website has an advertisement in the header section then it only makes sense to put the navigation bar at the very top of the page. This ensures that the reader’s eye must move over the advertisement before navigating to another page.
By placing the navigation bar at the top of the page you increase the number of times readers see advertisements. And of course, the more times they see them the greater the chance they will click them.
If you want to direct your readers towards advertisements in the header you should consider placing the navigation bar at the top of the page. You force readers to notice the advertisement as they move between content and navigation.
Of course for this layout change to make a difference the fundamental rule still applies. You need engaging content. You need readers to want to go to other pages on your website. You need them to be interested enough in what you are saying to put in the extra effort of scrolling all the way to the top to visit your about or contact page. Without good content, it does not matter where your navigation bar is located. Without good content you do not need a navigation bar because the only button readers will be pressing is the close button.

Content marketing, which includes blogging, article writing, press release distribution and more, is all about getting people to read your content. Quality, relevant content helps build brand recognition and establishes the author as an industry authority and expert. Good content can help drive traffic to your website, as well as provided reputable one-way links back to the site. This looks good to the search engines, so it helps a site rank better. In the world of SEO, content is king! So why are so many blogs or internal site pages hidden behind logins?

It’s understandable that some sites want readers to become “members” before they can gain access to the juicy content that’s kept under lock and key. Some of these sites charge a huge fee to be a member, so they don’t want free-loading eyes coming to the party. But keeping you content shielded by the online version of velvet ropes and a bouncer isn’t a good idea for two reasons:

Number One: If visitors can’t read it, neither can the search engines
Search engines use bots call search spiders to crawl and index every single page on every single website that is online. That’s billions upon billions of pages! When a user plugs in their search phrase, theses spiders pull up webpages that best match that search. SEO Hint: search engines rank individual pages, not whole websites.
Creating a login page before your content is essentially throwing a roadblock up in front of the search spiders. It forbids them from crawling and indexing your content. If the search spiders can’t crawl you site, they can’t include it in the search results. Seeing as 80% of click through traffic comes from organic search results, how will your content ever be found if it doesn’t rank?

Number Two: Requiring readers to sign-in can drive them away
Most searches are conducted by one person looking for one piece of information. Sorry to say, they don’t want to have to join your club in order to get a resource for their college term paper. Unless you are on the only place online producing content that they need (and the odds of that are slim), chances are they won’t bother creating an account just to see if you have the information that they need.
Users learn that your site if off limits unless they are willing to sign-in, so they stop bothering to show up. Even if your site is ranking well, readers remember that you keep you content behind closed doors, so they don’t bother to click over to your site. Now you are driving traffic away and delivering it to your competitors on a silver platter.

So what’s the moral?
Some websites can afford to keep their content in the clubhouse because they are a well respected and established site that is known for producing great content. The average blogger probably can’t say the same thing. So if you want your articles and blogs getting readers, make sure it’s available to the masses!

Blogs have become a very significant instrument for the promotional activities and the deliverance of information about your company/services/products etc, for the past few years. They act as an important medium to increase the traffic to a company’s website, establish business and form trust with the abundant relevant information they consistently deliver.

However, a few companies are enhancing their blogs, and are evolving from being writers into producers, via the usage of video blogs. Such blogs are much more appealing to the audience, in the sense that they add a visual alternative to the usage of plain, simple text in blogs. Though such video blogs take much more time and effort to produce, the result turns out to be much more appealing and way more interactive than a conventional textual blog.

Any individual or an organization that is thinking of starting such a blog, or want to incorporate videos in their current blog, should follow a few tips before taking the plunge;
  1. Select a Subject
  2. This is pretty easy for a company that is industry-specific. Yet for most bloggers, it is pretty natural to deviate off the main topic and start talking about other things. Selecting and sticking to a topic is a key thing, which any video blogger should adhere to, as it sustains consistency of content and sticks to the interest of the niche audience that the video blog was intended for.
  3. You should either, be a Good Public Speaker or Start Looking for one
  4. A video blog cannot run efficiently without a speaker who is self-assured, eager and is not afraid of speaking before potentially large audiences. It is simpler to be in front of a camera set up rather than a live audience, as speakers do not have to look at the audience and speak and all the errors can be negated through re shoots. The editing can leave out all faults and make the presentation look perfect.
  5. Use enchanting visuals
  6. The reason for establishing a video blog for the audience is to provide an audio-visual experience, rather than plain text. No one wants to glare at the computer screen for a long period of time without really seeing anything apart from the narrator’s face. Include visuals such as video clips, animations, and the opening and the closing instances of video will keep the viewers interested in the blog.
  7. Maintain Consistency
  8. The word ‘consistency’ can have many implications in blogging. It can mean keeping the subject consistent, the layout or the appearance consistent, the mood/theme/setting of the blog consistent, or the frequency of the blog posting consistent. Viewers prefer things consistent as they can anticipate what to expect when they visit the blog repeatedly.
Anyone can become a successful video blogger, with appropriate impetus and commitment, besides being aware of the tips that have been mentioned above.

Blogging is fun and a very interesting technique of networking online either for personal reasons or for business. But most people do not realise there are different types of blogging and even at that they need to change certain applications on their blog before they can practise another form of blogging online. Guest blogging is one of such type of blogging which requires that you change certain parameters on your blog site before delving into it. Much as most people go to the internet for different reasons they are usually not able to harness all the potentials that are inherent in this facility. It may surprise you to know that internet specialists such as webmasters who are expected to be familiar with all the benefits of the respective types of blogging are not even taking full advantage of these benefits.

One of the ways you could maximize your guest blogging experience that would ensure you increase traffic to your site is by making it easier for visitors to subscribe to your mailing list. This should be done by manipulating your landing page such that people can easily subscribe or you offer gifts which are related to your post just to attract and encourage them to be added in your mailing list. In addition to this, you can also ensure that you boost your blog with social media links by fixing the buttons of popular social media networks like Facebook or Twitter on your page. When visitors are on your blog and they see that you can also be followed through the buttons of popular social media networks displayed on your page they would like your page.

Equally very important in your quest to transform from blogging to guest blogging is the fact that the contents of your blog must be of top class before you think of delving into guest blogging. The reason for this being that you would be expected to have lots of articles or contents to be involved in this type of blogging and it would not be such a good idea to go straight into guest blogging when your blog is still relatively new. Do make sure that your blog page has an introductory page where visitors would have the opportunity of getting to know about you. Such a page should not contain generic information about you in general but specific information about you which would show a level of transparency about your potentials. That page it must also be said should contain a picture of you and your contact information for reference purposes.

In transforming from simple blogging to guest blogging you need to realise that the quality of your site must also be of high standard because visitors judging from the template of your site could stereotype it as being of low grade and as such may not reckon with you. In the course of changing to guest blogging you will need to consult with professional web designers who would help you redesign or build a site that would meet up to good standards. Achieving good standard in web design also entails ensuring that application which would make the site speed slow be minimized.

Although all you need to start a new blog is an idea and an internet connection, if you want your blog to have an audience you have to put in a bit more leg work. Yes, you need to update your blog regularly and have interesting graphics, but without promotion, your blog will remain unnoticed.
Some people are intimidated by the idea of promoting, especially when they are the product that is being promoted. But don’t fret. I’m about to give you seven tips that will help you get the ball rolling.


Make a list of blogs, authors and websites that you love. Then take a good hard look at that list. What makes you so fond of the blogs that you chose? What can you learn from these sites? Things to keep an eye out for are: how often these authors add new content to their blog, and what sites they link to. Learn everything you can from the people you admire and apply what you learn to your own blog.

Make A Video

Videos are becoming de rigueur for marking everything from bands to products to magazines. All you need to produce a video is a digital camera (most have video capabilities) and some video editing software (which you can find for free with a simple Google search). Explain who you are, what your blog is about and why they should take a look, then upload your video to sites like YouTube and TubeMogul.

Guest Post

Writing guest posts for other blogs is a great way to get your name out there in the blogosphere. While it’s great to aim for the stars, in this case starting small is best. Look for smaller blogs that cover interesting topics and offer to write a guest post. Chances are the blog’s author will welcome the help.


Ever thought about producing a podcast? Just like videos, podcasts are inexpensive to produce and can get you new readers by tapping into a market you may have overlooked before. Your podcast should deal with the same subject you cover in your blog, but in a more overall way. After you make your podcast, upload it to the iTunes directory.

Blog Carnivals

A Blog Carnival or Blog Roundup is a kind of “best of” article that pulls information from lots of different blogs together in one post. Look for blogs that are hosting blog carnivals that relate to your blog’s subject and submit your best posts. Can’t find any? Then take matters into your own hands and start your own Blog Carnival and ask your fellow bloggers to submit their work to you.

Social Media Buttons

This is one of my favorite promoting gimmicks. Social media buttons allow the people who do read your blog to share the content to everyone in their social media networks. Make sure to include all the big guns: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Social media site are powerful tools when it comes to promoting and should never be overlooked.


Approach successful bloggers and experts in the field your blog covers and ask if you can interview them for your blog. Interviews are a great way to learn from bloggers who have been in the game for longer than you have, and pull in new readers by using a marquee name in your posts.
When it comes to promoting your blog, anything goes. Be creative, don’t be afraid, hand out flyers, shout it from the mountain tops.

Official tweet count button was released by Twitter recently which is similar to the popular TweetMeme Retweet button. This post explains how to add the new official twitter button to blogspot blogs.
Please Note: Before Editing your Template, Save a copy of your current template by clicking ‘Download Full Template’ in ‘Edit HTML’ page of the Blogger ‘Layout’ Window and ‘Preview’ the changes before Saving.
  1. Go to Blogger Design page – Edit HTML – and click Expand Widget Templates.
  2. Search (Ctrl+F) for:
    and REPLACE the above line with the following code:
    <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="shafar">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    (Replace shafar with your twitter username)
  3. Save the template. That’s all.
Enjoy Tweeting.


Open any handler opera, ucweb, bolt[u can download any handler]

For ucweb opera:-And use front query as

For opera:- change

HTTP Servers

Socket Server as

Set network access 'ask first time only' to 'ask everytime' and better to use 'Rcom MMS Apn.

Note:-If your balance is not zero or negative,balance will cut

Mathikettan Salai is a 2011 tamil romantic movie directed by G.Patturajan. Watch mathikettan salai starring adharsh and divya nagesh in lead roles full movie online madhikettan saalai.

A few months ago, YouTube India launched a new box office channel where one can watch popular movies from the Indian cinema every month. YouTube already had a huge library of Hindi and regional films online but the box office channel is more about showcasing the blockbuster hits.
Now Yahoo! is also getting into the online movie business in India.
They have introduced a new service called MoviePlex where you can enjoy full-length Bollywood movies on your computer screen anytime, anywhere. The movie collection at this is limited but does include some popular titles.
Unlike YouTube which streams movies in both standard and HD resolutions, the movies on Yahoo! are currently available only in SD. Also, Yahoo! uses Flash Video and thus you cannot watch the movies on iPad or other devices that do not support the Flash Player.
The movies on Yahoo! India are currently available for free and there are no in-stream ads to interrupt your experiences. I however doubt if people outside India can watch these movies.


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Ip- [Med]

Ip- [fast]


1 MbpS SPEED IP.Yes Guys This Ip Is 1 Mbps Speed Ip.Tested In E72 with 1.2mbps Speed.

Ip- [NEW]

Ip- [NeW]




100~300 KbPs 3g IpS

Ip- [NeW]



2G IPs

Apn-rcommms [NEW]




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