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Facebook Ad Timing: Mind The Clock

  Timing is everything when it comes to marketing on Facebook, and TBG Digital believes deploying ads at the proper time could be worth up to 116 percent.
The Facebook-focused digital ad agency released its analysis of more than 2 billion impressions Wednesday, and it found that focusing on time of day can improve the effectiveness of Facebook ads, citing as examples the fact that male consumers are 42 percent more likely to complete an online transaction via Facebook during evening hours than women are, while users 50 and older do most of their buying during the morning hours.
TBG arrived at the results by examining cost per acquisition and sales volume, using its ONE Media Manager platform.
TBG managing director, North America Patrick Toland said in an interview:
The obvious thing is that the ads that you react to that are simple to complete are going to be more successful at a time when you may be busy. If I see an ad to sign up for free golf balls, I’m much less likely to interact with it at 9 a.m., when I’m working, than I am at 6 p.m. People who are more likely to be in down time during the day are going to perform better.
Traditionally, English pubs close at 11 p.m., so if you put the gambling houses’ ads up at 11:30 p.m., they’re a winner.
Dayparting is one of the few targeting strategies that doesn’t cost any more to implement. It’s a really smart strategy to execute.
Toland added that TBG started as a full-service digital agency 10 years ago and made the decision to focus solely on Facebook two years ago, becoming one of the largest buyers of third-party Facebook ads, which are purchased via bidding.
The agency was one of the first three partners for the social network’s application-programming interface, and it constructed its bid-management and optimization platform in November 2009. TBG has some 110 employees in seven offices worldwide, with operations mainly in Manila, San Francisco, and London, and the company’s client roster is at approximately 100.
CEO Simon Mansell said in a release:
When you think about how people use Facebook at different times of the day, it makes sense that adverts would perform differently. When people are relaxing, they are likely to respond differently than when they are talking with their friends, although people do both of these on Facebook, of course. Most of our clients are brands that want to run at scale, so this data do not mean we pause campaigns at different times, but rather we bid more or less aggressively depending on the time of day — this is one of the ways we have generated significant uplifts in performance.
Readers: Do you find yourself more likely to respond to ads on Facebook at different times of the day?
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