A few months ago, YouTube India launched a new box office channel where one can watch popular movies from the Indian cinema every month. YouTube already had a huge library of Hindi and regional films online but the box office channel is more about showcasing the blockbuster hits.
Now Yahoo! is also getting into the online movie business in India.
They have introduced a new service called MoviePlex where you can enjoy full-length Bollywood movies on your computer screen anytime, anywhere. The movie collection at this is limited but does include some popular titles.
Unlike YouTube which streams movies in both standard and HD resolutions, the movies on Yahoo! are currently available only in SD. Also, Yahoo! uses Flash Video and thus you cannot watch the movies on iPad or other devices that do not support the Flash Player.
The movies on Yahoo! India are currently available for free and there are no in-stream ads to interrupt your experiences. I however doubt if people outside India can watch these movies.