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Southern Cross

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Mike White captured this photo of the Southern Cross constellation, also known as Crux on March 17, 2010.
Crux is a constellation that’s visible in the Southern hemisphere. It’s also the smallest of all the 88 modern constellations. The five main Crux stars are Alpha Crucis (Acrux), Beta Crucis (Mimosa), Gamma Crucis (Gacrux), Delta Crucis (Pale) and Epsilon Crucis (Nosy).
“The photo was taken on a tripod-mounted Canon S5is digital camera, and is a combination of 3 x 15 sec exposures at ISO 800, aligned in Gimp. It was taken from our rural property north of Levin, New Zealand.
Just slightly below and to the left of the left-most star of the cross (Beta Crux, or Mimosa) is a small cluster known as the Jewel Box (NGC4755), which is a beautiful collection of different colored stars (hence its name) and a delightful sight in any size telescope.”